Sark Electricity Prices Control Commissioner

Notice re Consultation on Proposed PCO


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Following a determination by my office on 26th October 2022 that the prices Sark Electricity

Limited (‘SEL”) then charged for electricity were neither fair nor reasonable, I am today

publishing a consultation on a proposed Price Control Order. This proposal sets a cap on

the unit price that SEL can charge for electricity and is likely to take effect from 01st April


I am seeking representations from SEL, electricity consumers in Sark and any other

interested person.

The consultation paper can be found on my website at Please send your

responses to by 02nd March 2023. If you do not want your

consultation to be published, please mark it as confidential. Please also note that I am

required by law to give SEL the opportunity to make representations to me on all responses

to this consultation.

Shane Lynch


©2024 Electricity Prices Control Commissioner, Sark, Channel Islands